Friday, October 16, 2009

The “We Are Parents Too” Quilt Project

This past summer Sinergia launched a quilt project aimed at parents who are disabled and unable to care for their children themselves. Entitled "We Are Parents Too", the project was created to allow participants to express themselves about their children and their parenthood. The idea for the project came from our Executive Director, Myrta Cuadra-Lash, and culminated in a collaborative effort between three of our divisions: the Parenting Training Program, the Residential Program, and the Day Habilitation Program.

The quilt has places for parents to put pictures of their children, and as the project progressed, it increasingly became a real creative expression and therapeutic experience for its 15 participants.

Once completed, we would like to welcome the public to come see and admire the quilt, which will decorate a prominent wall at the new Sinergia offices we'll be moving into by year’s end. Check back to see how it progresses!

Quilt Project Advisors: Isabel Malavet, Coordinator of the “We are Parents Too” Parenting Training Program; Carmen Mejia Boil, Recreation Therapist at Sinergia; and Maria Torres Bird, Expert Quilter and Sinergia Quality Assurance Director.

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