Thursday, April 17, 2014

Legislative Breakfast

The 25th Legislative Breakfast sponsored by the Manhattan Developmental Disabilities Council’s took place on March 14th at Barnes and Noble in Union Square. The breakfast was attended by parents, providers, legislators and policy makers who came together to hear the testimonies of a panel of parents and a direct care provider.  The OPWDD acting commissioner Laurie Kelly also participated and gave her support to the families and individuals with developmental disabilities.

Yndhira Rodriguez, mother of Julio Vega and an active member of the Sinergia family was chosen to present her story as a member of the panel. Yndhira has been a strong activist and advocate in raising autism awareness among the Latino population of New York City and increasing the knowledge and participation of Spanish speaking families. Thanks to her tenacity and enthusiasm, her son Julio has been able to access varied services that have made significant changes in his life.  Mrs. Rodriguez is a leader and helps many other parents of children with autism obtain services, parent education, supports and recreational opportunities. We are honored to have such a committed and talented mother as part of our team of parents. We are hoping that her testimony will make an impact on the legislators and their representatives present at the event.

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